If you've been interested in getting into the sport of paintball, you've no doubt been doing a lot of research on different markers (paintball guns), types of games and places to play. In addition, talk to your friends that are already playing and find out what type of paintball gun they enjoy using most. Some players love a pistol and others swear by a rifle. One name you will hear again and again when you're researching paintball markers is Tippmann.

Tippmann has made a paintball gun that is fantastic for the newer player. It is honed down to the very basics and doesn't have a lot of complex workings that will take time away from learning the game.

The Tippmann Custom Pro Basic is just what the name says, a basic paintball gun. It is accurate and will allow you to make deep strikes on your opponents without having to spend and arm and a leg on a higher powered gun. This basic gun outfit comes standard with an eleven-inch stone honed barrel that will allow you to be accurate without compromising speed. The double trigger on this marker serves two purposes, not only to propel paintballs out of the gun but the dual action actually feeds more paintballs in to be shot. The more you shoot this paintball gun, the more it feeds. It also comes standard with a 200 round hopper that will more than fulfill your needs as a newer paintball player.

It's fully-customizable to enhance performance and compatible for CO2, compressed air, or nitrogen so you can experiment and find out what type of system you enjoy playing with the most in your paintball game.
by Total Paintball Gear - The Paintball Experts